Fighting God

If you haven’t heard, for the first time Sports Illustrated just featured a trans woman in its swimsuit issue. The magazine is just the latest to feature a transgender man/woman. This may not seem like a big deal to you which happens to be the case for several young adults I’ve talked to, but that’s the problem. When people live a lifestyle in direct defiance to God’s laws it’s nothing short of an open rebellion against God!

That’s why it’s no longer acceptable for us to quietly sit by. We can no longer let fear of offending others lead us into offending God by not defending his word. For what was once deemed unacceptable is now openly embraced. There’s no ambiguity in God’s condemnation of crossing over sexes (Deut 22:5) and of homosexuality (Rom 1:24-32) yet society continues to push the narrative to “do what makes you happy” and “to each its own.” The simple truth is that our bodies are not our own (1Cor 6:19-20) as Jesus died for our sins. 

He died to set us free from the bondage of sin. The irony for people who are lost is that for all of their free willing ways they aren’t free at all. They’re slaves to sin (Rom 6:20-21).  Either you follow God which leads to eternal life or you become trapped into believing what you are doing is right but it leads to death (Proverbs 14:12). The bottom line is that God created us male or female and no amount of surgery can change our DNA.  

Is standing up for what’s right going to be difficult? Yes. Could we fall out of favor with some of our family and friends? Yes– but we’re called to defend the faith and help those who are lost. Living an LGBQT lifestyle is in open defiance to God. It’s bad enough that they sin but their brazenness leads others to sin by creating an environment that says it’s ok. Either people will listen and turn to the truth or they will continue on their march towards damnation. The choice is theirs but as citizens of God’s kingdom and future heirs with Jesus silence is no longer a choice. 

Think about it. 



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