
Do you know someone who is always optimistic? For instance, a situation that would cause you to panic, they would be calm....the kind of person that doesn't let the many challenges in life keep them down. If I'm describing you, congratulations, you already know the secret to happiness, but for all those who don't fit that description I'm about to change your life with these three words: Trust in God. 

I know it sounds cliche and a bit simplistic but it's the only way to have peace regardless of what you're going through. It's not easy to trust someone that you don't know, let alone have never seen. The only way to get to know God is to listen to him. His guiding words are waiting on you to read them. When you study the Bible you'll learn the many examples of how God protects and provides for his people. Did you know you serve the same God that took Joseph from being a slave to one of the most powerful men in Egypt? He's also the God that kept his people fed in the middle of a desert. 

When you read the Bible you'll discover that God promises to provide for you too (Matt 6:31-33). Our God, who numbers the stars, surely knows the number you need in your bank account. Trusting in God should be easy when you look back on all the things he's gotten you through and has done for you. 

The greatest comfort our Lord gives us is knowing that one day we'll no longer endure the troubles of this world and we'll be with him (Rev 21:3-4). You know how difficult life can be, but you should also know this world and everything in it is temporary (2Cor 4:18). Once you truly grasp the concept, you'll start looking at your problems differently. You won't be as worried about your mortgage, car, job, or personal issues. I said "as worried" because it's natural to worry. But everything is going to be alright when you leave the problems of this temporary world to the eternal God. 

Think about it. 
Note: The story of Joseph can be found in Genesis 37:1- 50:26. 
God providing for the Jews in the desert can be found in Exodus 16. 


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