Calling Evil Good

One of my closest friends loves to use the  phrase “call a cat a cat.” He’s a straightforward kind of guy and that phrase is as straightforward as it gets. It means to say exactly what something is and not try to call it something else. When it comes to sin the Bible teaches us to call a cat a cat. God even warns us about people who “say that evil is good...” (Isa 5:20). No matter how anyone tries to make it seem okay sin is sin and the end result is death (Rom6:23). 

You don’t have to look very hard to find people who take what God says is evil and make it appear good. There are gay pride celebrations all over the country. Gay pride celebrations?! Let that sink in... people are actually taking pride in openly rebelling against God. They want to fulfill their unnatural desires (Rom1:26,27) and have the audacity to condemn anyone who speaks out against them as being hateful. Hateful is letting people think God will not punish those who break his laws. 

The LGBT lifestyle isn’t the only evil society says is good. We’re suppose to believe that sleeping around is somehow a good thing. We know men have always been given a free pass with the “boys will be boys” mentality. But at what point will boys become men of God?  Movies and tv now portray having multiple sex partners as empowering to women. The truth is the only one being empowered by a woman acting like a whore is the devil. 

Society has taken away the stigma and the shame of having sex outside of marriage. For the record, marriage is between a man and a woman (Matt19:4,5). The fact that homosexuality is a sin is exhibit A for why the same sex can’t get married. It doesn’t matter if it’s hetero or homo sleeping around is all sex sin. It’s so egregious that God warns us to run from it! It’s the only sin that’s against your own body (1Cor6:18). At some point and in some way each of us must speak out against sexual immorality of all kinds. It’s time to call a cat a cat.

Think about it. 


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