Zombie Christians

It may sound a little weird to use zombie and Christian in the same sentence but the so called walking dead (those infamous stars of B-horror movies) best describe the sad state of many Christians today– they’re walking around spiritually dead. Their love for the world has overcome their love for God. It’s a slow walk to becoming one of the walking dead. It’s often so gradual that you don’t even realize it. So let’s do a little self examination to see if we’re still walking with God. 

One sign of being a zombie Christians is that they don’t pray like they used to. What was once a strong prayer life prayer has been reduced to prayer being an afterthought. They don’t thank God before each meal and bedtime prayer is now social media time. Zombie Christians only want to pray when they need something. “Lord I know I haven’t talked to you in a while but if you can just”... sound familiar? 

Another sign of being spiritually dead is the lost desire to worship. There was a time when you couldn’t keep them out of church; now any little thing keeps them away. Wake up Sunday morning with the sniffles and worship is snuffed out. A Sunday morning rain might as well be snow because they aren’t going. For Zombie Christians taking a vacation is an easy excuse for them to take a vacation from worship. 

There are other warning signs of being spiritually dead but the last I’ll cover for today is the fear and dread zombie Christians get when it’s time to give back to God. If you spend more on your nails than you give to God, you’re spiritually dead. If you’d gladly pay for Beyonce’s next album or for Kevin Hart’s next show but hesitate to give back to God, you’re spiritually dead. 

So examine yourself to make sure you’re not a zombie Christian. If you’re walking around spiritually dead, there will be no afterlife.

Think about it. 


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