Only God Can Judge Me

Why is it that when someone commits a sin they always say "only God can judge me?" You often hear it from celebrities when they defend their questionable choices or vulgar song lyrics. It's certainly true, God will judge us all. If only God had left a guide book. That way if you are an adulterer or shacking up with someone, you wouldn't have to wonder how God will judge you. If you kill, slander, or hate someone, you wouldn't  have to wonder...oh well.

The good news is no one can judge you because we all sin and more importantly we all can be forgiven for our sins. "Therefore let us not pass judgment on one another any longer..."(Romans 14:13 ESV). However, when sinning becomes a lifestyle you not only break God's laws, you become an example for others to sin (Romans 1: 26-32). When you openly sin and your lifestyle shows the world you plan to keep on sinning it is nothing short of a rebellion against God. People claim they follow God but their lifestyles betray them. They also try to defend their sin which shows they are not repentant. 

Take for example, LGBT rights. Homosexuality is a sin. I don't have to wonder; it is plainly condemned by God. Like other sins, homosexuality can be forgiven, but you can't live that lifestyle and expect others to support it. You can't live that lifestyle and think God supports it. I'm not attacking anyone for being a homosexual. You're a hypocrite if you condemn someone for being gay but then go home to your live-in boy/girlfriend. You're living the same sinful lifestyle.

Please understand, trying to correct someone is not judging them. 
"let him know that whoever brings back a sinner from his wandering will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins" (James 5:20 ESV). Don't be upset if someone in a loving way helps you see when you're wrong; be grateful. When you live the way you want it is easy to say "only God can judge me." Just know that one day God surely will. 

Think about it.


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