Free Your Mind


Imagine the horror of being trapped, unable to escape. You’re chained to a bed in a dark gloomy basement. As the days turn into months fear turns into dread. The hope of freedom fades and you’re left with only your thoughts. How did I get here? What nefarious person did this to me? Then suddenly, a light pierces through the room as the once bolted door swings open. You gaze up the stairs to see your capturer who’s also the one setting you free. The murky image comes into focus and you realize it’s you. 

This story is symbolic of how Christians have become trapped by our own traditions. We’re imprisoned by traditions and the only way to free ourselves is to open our Bible and our mind. You need to know Bible basics like how it’s organized and who the author is talking to. For example, the Old Testament laws were written for the Jews only. How God commanded them to worship, what to eat, etc does not apply to us. 

The Jews were instructed to worship on Saturday but for us worship is on Sunday. The Jews played musical instruments in worship but we’re commanded to sing (2Col 3:16). God wants the melody to come from our hearts not from instruments (Eph 5:19). Did you know the early church never used musical instruments? It remained that way for hundreds of years until the Catholics inserted music into worship and the tradition has been around ever since. 

It may also surprise you to learn the early church also took communion every Sunday as instructed in the New Testament (Act20:7). So why don’t we? Most of us only take communion on the first Sunday of the month. Tradition is so powerful because it’s the only thing we know. I’m not saying all traditions are bad but when a tradition contradicts God’s teachings it becomes a prison.

Think about it. 

For more info on how the Bible is organized and pointers to help get a better understanding of what you’re reading email me at: 


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