You're Too Smart For That

You're a very bright and intelligent person. How would I know? Your decision to read my blog tells me your intellect is right up there with Einstein. Now that we have establish how smart you are, let's apply some of that brainpower to one of the biggest challenges to Christianity, false doctrine. 

As Christians, we are suppose to be defenders of the faith (1Peter3:15). I know that reading the Bible can be challenging but if you learn just one verse, you can spot a lot of false teachings. John 16:13 is a verse many of us have heard before but it is often overlooked, "When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth..."  In this verse Jesus is talking to the apostles after His resurrection. The word "all" tells us that there is nothing left to be revealed. If a chef gave you all of the ingredients needed for a cake recipe what else would you add? Nothing. 
The Holy Spirit revealed everything to the apostles— everything as in all, total, complete.

If someone claims to have new revelations from God, they're preaching false doctrine. They're trying to add to the recipe. Mormons claim to have another testament to the Bible with new revelations given by the arch angel Gabriel. Ironically, Islam is based on the claim that its founder, Mohammed, received revelations from Gabriel. Both religions are wrong because they contradict the basic fact that the apostles were given all the truth (John 16:13).

There are numerous other Bible verses that help us expose false doctrines. For example, Galatians 1:8 warns that no one, not even an angel, can preach a different gospel. Start memorizing these verses so that the next time you hear teachings based on a revelation, tell them you're too smart for that.


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