King of Kings

We are all familiar with the story of Jesus' birth and his rise from humble beginnings. So humble in fact that the Jews didn't look upon him as a king, a prophet maybe, but not the messiah—not the one who was to restore the Jewish kingdom. They failed to see that the king of kings was indeed among them. But what exactly makes Jesus so special? 

Simply put, Jesus was God in the flesh (John 1:1,14). He created all and sustains all. The beauty that you see around you is his handy work, from the warm sand that tickles your feet to the stars draped across the sky. The world Jesus spoke into existence was perfect until Adam and Eve sinned against him. From that moment on we were all doomed to die fo our sins. Jesus knew before he created us that we needed to be saved (Rev 13:8). His plan for salvation was set long before the first ray of sunlight illuminated the earth. 

From Abraham to Zachariah man eagerly awaited on the promise of our future king's arrival. Jesus, in all his majesty, stepped down from heaven to save his greatest creation, us. It's an amazing concept to grasp: Jesus gave up the power and glory of his deity so he could become a man. His plan was perfect for only as a mortal could he experience all the temptations we go through. He thus became the perfect mediator between us and God (1Tim 2:5). 

Can you imagine how Jesus must have felt knowing he created the world but the world didn't know him? Jesus could have saved himself but he freely laid down his life. Paul best describes the awesome majesty our sacrificial king: "...Christ was revealed in a human body and vindicated by the Spirit. He was seen by angels and announced to the nations. He was believed in throughout the world and taken to heaven in glory.”
(1 Tim 3:16).

Truly we serve the King of kings and Lord of lords. 

Think about it. 


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