Head of the Family

I'm sure most of us have heard the verse "honor your father and mother..." (Ephesians 6:2 ESV).  Undoubtably your parents were the first to tell you that verse, especially if you were a little hard-headed boy like I was growing up. Moms, I don't want you to think what I'm about to say doesn't apply to you, but we get attention only one day a year so today I'm focusing on us dads. We use the word "honor" a lot but most of us don't truly understand how important it is to honor your father.

Dads are the head of the family (Ephesians 5:23) and we do it all: we make sure you have food, clothes and a place to live. We are there to advise, discipline, encourage, and don't forget one of our most important jobs–protect. Moms are great but when children hear a strange sound late at night, they're not the ones the kids cry for. I know some dads are not involved in their children's lives. Some of us have gone through the awful experience of having a dead beat dad. If you're one of those guys, I hate to call you out but there are no excuses for not taking care of your kids; even if you don't have money, you have time. You can at least teach and advise your children. They're just a phone call away.

That being said, I want to focus on the men who are taking on the responsibility of being a father. For all the things we do for our children there is none more important than leading them to Christ. We should be leading our families to church, teaching our kids how to pray and reading the Bible with them. As I stated earlier, dad's are the head of the family but "the head of every man is Christ..”
‭‭(1Corin 11:3‬,ESV‬‬).

Think about it.


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