The New Testament

We're so busy with our jobs, kids, and everything else that it can be challenging to slow down and study God's word. If you're like me, I also wasn't reading much because the Bible was intimidating. What helped me to really start reading and studying the Bible was an eye-opening Bible class that I almost missed because...say it with me, "I was too busy."

I learned that the Bible is a history book--just like the ones found in our kid's classroom. It's a detailed account of Jesus' life and ministry as well as early church history. The Bible gives us specific dates, places, people, and events. The Bible is so accurate that archeologist have used it to help locate ancient cities.

The class also taught me how the New Testament is organized which made it easier to follow. The first four books are the gospels. They chronicle Jesus' life, teachings, and  death/resurrection. The next two books (Acts & Romans) deal with the start of the church and Paul's ministry in Rome. 

The next eight books following Romans (1Corinthians- 2Thessalonians) are written to the churches the apostles started. Did you know that the first few verses of each book tell to whom the book is written? For example, Thessalonians was written to the church in the town of Thessalonica; Corinthians was written to the church in Corinth. If you want to learn about issues concerning the church such as spiritual gifts or false doctrine, these eight books would be a good place to start. 

The four books after 2 Thessalonians (Timothy 1&2,Titus, Philemon) are written to church officials. So, for example, if you want to know about church organization, you would look in those books. 

I hope this partial overview of how the New Testament is organized helps. Always keep in mind that the Bible is actual recorded history and not some abstract book about life. Everything, including the miracles Jesus performed, actually happened—which should inspire you to read the Bible. If a man today could walk on water and raise people from the dead, wouldn't you want to hear what he has to say?

Think about it.


I didn't cover all 27 books of the New Testament. If you would like more info on how the Bible is organized and proof of its validity, please email me:


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