Lazarus and The Rich Man

At some point in our lives we've all had to deal with the death of a loved one. It often seems unfair and can lead you to ask "why did God have to take them from me?" If God is love (1John 4:8) and in control, then why does the worst happen to the best people? Take comfort when a Christian dies that he/she is being called home by the Lord. God is taking them away from the struggles of this world. 

It might come as a shock to you, but contrary to popular belief, no one dies and goes straight to heaven. Both the just and unjust go to Hades after death. Relax, I said Hades not Hell (there's a huge difference).The Bible tells us in the story of Lazarus (Luke 16: 19-31) that after death your soul goes to Hades which is a waiting place. From the story of Lazarus the Bible sheds some light on what happens after death:

•  When you die your soul goes to Hades. 
•  You are conscience and your fate (Heaven or Hell) is sealed. 
•  The righteous rest and are comforted on one side.
•  The unjust are separated by a large gulf that no one can cross. 
•  Your soul will remain there until judgement day. 

Jesus was in Hades for three days until he arose from the dead (Acts 2:31). When Jesus returns all of the dead will rise and the righteous will be given new bodies that will not know death or pain.  (1Corinth 15:42,43). 

What you choose to do while you're alive will decide what side of Hades you will be on after you die. If you spend your life separated from God now, the time will come when your separation will be everlasting. 

Think about it.


Note: If you would like more information email me at:


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