Identity Crisis II

Last week I hope I began the process of getting you to look at your sexual orientation the way God does. Remember, the way you identify yourself greatly impacts the way you think and behave. Unfortunately, society teaches us that one of a person's top self-identifiers is sexual orientation; therefore, we shouldn't stop ourselves from sleeping with whomever we desire. After all, it's natural, it's who you are. 

When you combine that way of seeing yourself with the idolization of sex then it's easy to see why so many marriages end in divorce, so many people sleep around, and why people believe homosexuality is okay. Did you catch the part about sex being an idol? Make no mistake, the world has made sex a major idol right up there with money. Sex permeates every part of society Its imagery is all around us.

We've placed so much importance of identifying ourselves by our sexual orientation that society can't understand how God can hold hetero/homosexuals accountable for being themselves. How is it possible to control something as powerful as one's sexual desires?  We fail to realize that through God all things are possible (Matt 18:26). "He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand..." (1Cor 10‬:‭13‬ NLT). God will strengthen you and change your mindset so that any sexual desire can be controlled.  

You do know that sex outside of a heterosexual marriage is a sexual sin? Now that might not sound so surprising at first until you realize that fornication, homosexuality, child molestation, beastiality, and necrophilia (sex with a corpse) are all deviations of being lost in sexual sin. They're all sins based on sexual desires. If it's okay for hetero/homosexual sex because that's a self-identifier (who you are), then how can anyone condemn the other forms of sexual behavior? It's time to turn away from the world's use of sexual orientation as a self-identifier. God tells us not to lean on our on understanding (Proverbs 3:5) for worldly people can't understand things from a spiritual perspective (1Cor 2:14). 

Think about it.  
The comparison of the various sex sins may offend some but if you don't accept God's standard, then you can't say someone else's standard is right or wrong—as they say "Only God can judge me."

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