Identity Crisis

Can a person go to the restroom of the sex they identify with? That question has come to forefront of our country's social discourse. Regardless of how you feel about the issue, no one, I repeat, no one should be disrespected or mistreated. However, it deeply saddens me that so many people are being led astray by the misconception that it's okay to live an LGBT/ transgender lifestyle. It's mainly because the world is suffering from an identity crisis. Did you know how you identify yourself greatly impacts the way you think?

Society increasingly endorses  people who come out as LGBT. I guess we're all suppose to celebrate people for openly defying God by living an LGBT lifestyle. I'm sorry, we're here to please God not man. With that in mind, pay close attention to what I'm about to say—it will change the way you look at sex: Your sexual orientation (the gender you're attracted to) should not be how you identity yourself. Sex is something you do it's not who you are.

It's very important that you grasp this concept. God does not identify us by sexual orientation. God views sex—whether heterosexual or homosexual—as something you do, it's an act. It's why the Bible describes homosexuality as an act: "men committing shameless acts with men..." (‭Romans‬ ‭1‬:‭27‬ ESV). Society's problem is that we have replaced how God views sex and made sex a part of our identity. There are numerous things (let's call them self-identifiers) that people use to define themselves: race, religion, gender, career, sexual orientation, etc. The key is the priority you place on each self-identifier. The higher the priority you give something the more you will wrap your identity around it. For example, if a person's top self-identifier is their career, then he/she will tend to be a workaholic.

That's why God wants us to put him first. If being a Christian is your primary self-identifier, then the things you do will be aligned with pleasing him. When you use sexual orientation as one of your primary self-identifiers, then the things you do will be aligned according to your sexual impulses and desires. There's a slight difference between what you do and who you are but it has major implications. When you use sexual orientation as a primary self-identifier you can't see what's wrong because you're just being yourself.

Think about it.
For a more in-depth discussion or if you have any questions, please email or call:



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