Sleeping On The Job

Wake up, wake up! It's time to wake up because you're letting God down. How much longer are you going to allow false doctrine to take over Christianity? Yes, take over. Almost every church teaches some form of false doctrine or worships based on traditions. 

I'm sure I've just offended or alienated some of you so hang in there and you'll see what I mean. The way false teachers trick you is that they mix in some truths or take parts of the Bible and build an entire ministry on it (prosperity gospel). False teachers appeal to our desires (2Timothy 4:3). 

Tv evangelist/ mega churches often preach the false doctrine of prosperity gospel because it's a very popular message. We all want to make more money or be successful. The problem is that God doesn't promise that you'll be rich. He promises that if you put him first, he will provide for you (Matthew 6:33). These charismatic preachers always give motivational/self-improvement sermons but they don't tell you that God will not grant you anything if your motives are wrong (James 4:3). How many tv evangelist/mega churches preach about divorce, homosexuality, adultery, and other subjects people don't like to be called out on? Preachers are suppose to  "...patiently correct, rebuke, and encourage...people with good teaching"  (2 Timothy 4:2 NLT).

False teachings include more than the prosperity gospel. Anyone teaching you based on visions from God is teaching false doctrine (Colossians 2:18). Anyone who teaches that you can worship how you want (John 4:24) or that baptism isn't needed for salvation (Acts 2:38) is teaching false doctrine. The only way to know the truth is to read the Bible. You can't get around it. 

I hope you're starting to see the problems with a lot of tv evangelist/ mega churches. Too many of us blindly follow traditions but we have no idea where they came from. Jesus warns that you are worshipping him in vain if you're worshipping according to tradition (Matt 15:9 ). Take a minute to let that sink in. You can go to church every week, praise God, and do everything you think you're supposed to do but it is meaningless if you don't worship God the way he commands– so wake up!

Think about it. 

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