Defending The Faith

Imagine you're on a game show with a chance to win a new car. You only have two questions left. First question: Who is the president of the United States? You can hardly believe it, but you're just one question away from your new car! Last question: how can you prove Christianity is the right religion?

I can imagine for most of us that new car just became as hard to win as the lottery. Unfortunately, defending Christianity is something a lot of us are not able to do. What I mean by defending Christianity is that you're able to go to the Bible and prove to someone why another religion or false doctrine is wrong. 

There are dozens of religions so how do you know Christianity is right? Let's examine the 2nd largest religion, Islam. They think their bible, the Koran, is the word of God. Muslims believe Muhammad, the founder of Islam, was visited by the angel Gabriel and he gave Muhammad a new revelation which became the Koran. Are Muslims right— is Islam God's next revelation? The answer to the question is found in the Bible, of course.

"But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed"  (Galatians 1:8 ESV). Paul was telling the Church in Galatia that even an angel can not give you another gospel! The Holy Spirit knew there would be people who would come and try to distort the truth: "not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ"(Galatians 1:7 ESV).

I'm afraid the Muslims' claims of Gabriel giving them the Koran is wrong. It's just not bad news for Muslims. The Mormons also claim to have a revelation from an angel which is the Book of Morman. If anyone tells you they have visions from God or new revelations, they are giving you false doctrine.

The Apostles were given all truths by the Holy Spirit. "When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth..." (John 16:13 ESV). "All" and "truth" are the two key words in the verse. "All" means there is nothing left to be revealed. "Truth" means we have God's revelations to mankind. The Apostles wrote everything we need to know in the Bible. Only by studying the Bible will you be able to recognize false teachings and defend Christianity. 

Think about it.

For more information on how to defend Christianity and spot false doctrine, email me at


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