God or Gay Marriage: You Choose

Unless you've been hiding under a rock the past few days, you know the US Supreme Court legalized gay marriage for all 50 states this past Friday. Millions of people across the country are celebrating, the media called it historic—right up there with the Civil Right Act. As a Christian I'm glad that LGBT's have finally received the benefits (insurance, tax breaks, etc) that society has placed on marriage but that's where my agreement with the decision ends. 

No one, not even the powerful justices of the Supreme Court, has the right to alter marriage as God established (Genesis 2:22-24). The sheer audacity of mankind to believe that we actually set the standard for how we should live. At one time a husband had the legal right to treat his wife like property despite  God's instructions for a husband to love his wife as he loves himself (Ephesians 5:33). Society has come a long way from those days but we continue to defy God.

You may know someone or have a family member who is gay. It's extremely difficult to see the people we love being treated unfairly and God will judge those people by their deeds. But make no mistake about it —living a homosexual lifestyle is wrong— and God will also judge them accordingly. For LBGT's to get married is an insult to God. Homosexuals have taken an institution that God established (marriage) and used it to publicly display their sin. 

Christians have to stop being afraid to tell their family or friends who are gay about God. They must learn that your body doesn't belong to you (1Cor 6:19); that you must run from sexual sin (1Cor 6:18); and that God will give you a way to escape your temptations (1Cor 10:13). God can change anyone's life but only if you accept him as your Lord and Savior. How much longer will you allow those you love to continue on a path of enteral damnation? 

Think About It?


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