Are You Self Absorbed?

Do you know the difference between being selfish and self-absorbed? It might sound the same but a person who is self-absorbed is someone who is extremely selfish but they're so caught up in their own world they don't  know it. The danger with a self-absorbed person is they can mistreat or use people and feel justified in doing so. They always see themselves as the victim, even if they're at fault. We've all heard in one form or another "look at what you made me do." 

It's impossible to live as a Christian if you look at the world like it's all about you. How can you love your neighbor as yourself (Mark 12:31) if you only see yourself? If you gloss over or justify your wrongdoings, you can't grow as a Christian. You'll actually get worse over time. Self-absorbed people become liars, cheaters, and greedy... you know, all of those little things that will keep you out of heaven (1Corinthians 6:10). 

Teenagers are notorious for being self-absorbed. Remember feeling like you were always getting in trouble and it wasn't your fault? I bet a lot of those confrontations with your parents were a reaction to your actions. Most teenagers wouldn't think twice about lying to get what they want. I remember getting mad at my mom for not letting me go somewhere after she caught me in a lie. What was I lying about? Where I was going-- of course.

We all go through the self-absorbed phase as teenagers but it shouldn't carry over into adulthood. You can easily mistreat your spouse, co-workers or friends without even realizing it. Worst of all, you'll be living the exact opposite of how Jesus wants you to live. So the next time you get mad at someone because "they've done you wrong," try to rethink the situation. Even if you come to the conclusion that it's all their fault, forgive them. Why? Not finding any fault with yourself  is a good sign you might be self-absorbed. 

Think about it.


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