The Sunday Sermon Isn't Enough

Do you truly understand how important it is to read and study the Bible? You can't just depend on what the preacher tells you every Sunday. What if I said that you must stand on your head for an hour in order to be saved? I know that sounds crazy, but could you prove me wrong? 

Let's take a look at an actual example that shows the danger in not reading and studying the Bible. A CNN article was written by a distinguished theologian expressing his view that the Bible does not condemn homosexuality. He actually tried to use Bible verses to prove his point! The article is too long to insert in my blog so I included an excerpt from the article below:

'The longest biblical passage on male-male sex is Romans 1:26-27: "Their women exchanged natural intercourse for unnatural, and in the same way also the men..." The Greek term para physin has been translated unnatural; it should read atypical or unusual... It is this latter meaning that informs Paul's writing. It carries no ethical condemnation.'

The author only used part of Romans1:26-27. When you include the rest of the verse, it's quite clear that Homosexuality is a sin. The author purposely omitted part of the verse to support his false views. 

The Bible warns us about false teachers: "Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them" (Acts 20:30 NIV). The very people who we trust to teach us about God's word can be the same ones that twist God's word. You can't risk your salvation by solely relying on what someone tells you the Bible says. You have to read and study for yourself.

Think about it.

Below is a link to the entire article that tried to use the Bible to justify homosexuality:


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