Are Your Children Safe?

Were you as shocked as I was that George Zimmerman was found not guilty? The verdict seems to validate every parent's fear of their child not being safe without them. We do our best to teach our kids about safety-- from how to cross the street to hanging with the right crowd. I know you've done a good job but before you pat yourself on the back there's a question you need to ask: Are my children safe with me? 

I'm not talking about what type of security system you have or if you own a gun. My question is in regards to your kids' salvation. Are you raising your children to live as God commands; are their souls safe? You taught them not to trust strangers but have you taught them to trust God? 

When was the last time you had a Bible study with your kids? You can't wait until they're almost grown and then try to teach them to resist the many temptations out there. Maybe you've gotten too sanctified and forgot that sin feels good. Do you really think that having a sex talk will stop them once their hormones kick in? Did that talk stop you? How will they abstain from alcohol when they see everyone having fun while drinking? 

The only chance they have to live as God commands is to instill the word of God in them. Kids have to learn that their body is not theirs ( 1 Corinthians 6:19). Help your children to understand the concept and it will change how they look at their lives.The desire for sex outside of marriage, drinking, drugs, and other temptations are tempered when someone truly understands that God owns their body. It's like borrowing someone's car-- you're a lot more cautious driving when you know it isn't yours. Don't you realize that you're borrowing the body you're in? 

When you teach your children God's word they will learn about love for others, being unselfish, working hard, honoring you, and how to protect their soul by becoming and living as a Christian. Notice I said, "when you teach." It's not up to the preacher or Sunday school teacher. You have to read the Bible with them; teach why Jesus died for us, what God wants in worship, and how to get saved. In order to teach your kids you must know it yourself.

It doesn't matter how many things you provide or what neighborhood you raise them in. You can give them the best education and advice-- but if you haven't raised them to be a Christian, you've failed to keep your children safe.

Think about it. 


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