The Fight For Gay Rights

You can't go to a mall now-a-days without seeing a man doing his best RuPaul impersonation. From makeup to shoes, some expressively gay guys' sense of fashion would put any model to shame. Unfortunately, this is the new norm in our society. Not only is it ok to be gay, but now it is on full display for anyone and everyone to see.  Before anyone gets upset and accuses me of trying to spread hate,  let me say that I believe everyone should be treated equally and no one should be bullied or discriminated against because of their sexual orientation. 

The reason why I said it's unfortunate that homosexuality is so readily accepted and practiced in our society is quite simple; it's a sin. It might be surprising to some but yes, homosexuality is a sin. The Bible clearly states having sex with the same sex is wrong but this is where my little lesson takes a twist.  When it comes to having sex, heterosexuals and homosexuals are in the same boat.  If you are having sex outside of marriage, you are sinning. So before you get on your soapbox about those "evil homosexuals," don't forget that all sex sin is just exactly that--a sin.

The problem with Christians is that they don't know how to deal with all of the gay rights issues. No one wants to see the ugly side of how society treats a minority group. When someone stands up for LBGT rights you naturally feel compassion for their plight. LBGT's are absolutely correct in demanding equal rights in all aspects of their lives except one--marriage.For LBGT's to get married is an insult to God.  Not only is homosexuality wrong but people want to take an institution that God established (marriage) and use it to publicly display their sin. The world's idea of what's right and wrong constantly changes but God's word lasts forever (1Peter 1:25).

Think about it. 


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