When Money Isn't A Problem

We all go through financial troubles at some point in our lives. Whether it's trying to keep your lights on or making sure your kids have what they need, the stress of  having more going out of your bank account than what's coming in can be overwhelming. I too get worried about finances sometimes and that's when I remember that whatever problem I have is really not a problem. How can needing more money not be a problem? Lets flashback a couple of years and you'll understand what I mean. 

Three years ago I had a great job with flexible working hours, good benefits, and I made enough to support my family while my wife earned her doctoral degree. Life was good but it was also challenging as being the sole provider can be stressful. One day I was really stressed trying to finish my work while running around like crazy with an endless list of errands. I finally got everything done and rushed off to Wednesday bible study. That's when everything changed. We had just come home from church and as I was walking through the door, the room started spinning so fast I couldn't see anything. I fell to the floor and my life has never been the same. 

I was diagnosed with migraine associated vertigo (MAV). Simply put, it's a viscous cycle of chronic migraines that causes me to get dizzy or have vertigo and the dizziness/vertigo triggers another migraine. It's not a headache but a neurological disorder. A disorder that left me in the bed for months at a time. I needed help brushing my teeth or just going to the bathroom. I've improved but I still can't work, drive or do the little things we often take for granted. Most of you rise out of bed every morning and get dressed without giving it a second thought. I wake up not sure if I can get out of bed.

Money problems aren't a problem compared to not being able to do or focus on anything at times. I even needed a break just to complete this blog. God, in his endless grace, has blessed my wife with an even better job than I had and now she's the provider for our family. When she gets stressed I tell her that she's truly blessed to be able to worry. Why? Because if you think you have problems, try worrying about if you will be able to walk today. So no matter what financial struggles you may go through think about how God has blessed you with something far more valuable than money, your health.

Think about it. 


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