Does Your Time Belong To You?

What are you wasting most of God's time doing--work, school or perhaps a sport or hobby? No, you did not read the question incorrectly, it's God's time not yours. What is it that causes you to waste most of God's time? It sounds crazy to consider work or other important activities a waste of time, but that's what they are if you aren't placing God first. God gave us 168 hours last week. How much of that did you spend on him?

Don't get me wrong, we are commanded to work (2 Thessalonians 3:10 ESV).

Sadly, the pursuit of money occupies most of our time. When we are not working we often spend time relaxing or entertaining ourselves. If you have children, you know how much time and energy they take. With so many things battling for those 168 hours, God is often regulated to just a few hours a week on Sunday.

"But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you " (Matthew 6:33 ESV).

There are over 31,000 verses in the Bible, none more timely for today's  busy world than Matthew 6:33. We all like to think we put God first but we don't.  We spend at least 40 hours a week on the job but 2 hours a week in church. The average person spends 3-5 hours a day watching tv and only 7 minutes reading the Bible. That's if you bother reading it. Only 45% even read the Bible.

If you knew you had one day left to live, I doubt your car payment or what's on tv would be important. If I may speak frankly, not even your family will have the same importance. The only thing that you should be concerned about that day is your relationship with God. No one will stand before God in your place. Your mom, dad, sister and brother will all have to answer to God on their own (Romans 14:12 ESV).

How many funerals do you have to attend? How many murders, accidents and illnesses do you have to hear about?No matter how young or old you are your last day is coming. Will you have spent enough time getting to know God?

Think about it.


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