We Love To Lust

Two ladies pull off their bikinis and skinny dip and at a lavish night club the girls' dresses are as short as a kid's attention span. I found these scenes while surfing just a few channels. It's the reality of the world we are in; sexual themes are everywhere. At what point does all of the sexual influences you see day after day affect how you view sex? Before you go into deep self-reflection, the answer is that it already has. 

I can prove it by asking one simple question: Do you think it is strange if a person is still a virgin by age 30? If you're honest with yourself, the answer is probably yes. With all of the sexual influences our kids face today, I'm surprised if someone is still a virgin by their 21st birthday. Sex certainly runs and ruins people's lives. CEO's lose their high paying jobs and presidents have been impeached over it.  Marriages, families, and friendships have been destroyed by it. Thank the Lord most people wont go to those extremes but nothing else can ensnare us into sin faster than sexual desires. 

You may not realize "the body is not for fornication, but for the Lord; and the Lord for the body:" (1 Corinthians 6:13 ASV).  What the Bible is simply saying is that your body belongs to God. You have to change your mindset from "I do what I want" to "what does God want?" You must understand that you should not just avoid sexual immorality but the Bible tells you to run from it! (1 Corinthians 6:18).  I repeat, you are to run from sex sin. Why does the bible place such an urgent warning about avoiding sexual immorality? Because "the sexually immoral person sins against his own body " (I Corinthians 6:18 ESV).

To put it into proper perspective, God sees you and your sex partner as one (I Corinthians 6:16 ESV). That's an amazing and frightening realization! You have to start limiting the sexual influences that surround you: movies, music, tv, certain people... Relax, I'm not saying you have to drop everything, just start controlling what goes into your mind. The more you read and study the Bible, the more you replace the negative influences. 

Think about it. 


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